You will immediately know you were successful upon starting the game, because OP included some sort of legal disclaimer before the actual opening begins. When finding a compatible ROM, you will get a message saying the patch was a success! That doesn't mean you did anything wrong, it just means you found an incompatible ROM for the patch, so you must look for another ROM of Pokemon Emerald from a different place. You may get a message saying that the patch failed when trying to patch the mod. The important part: After some trial and error, it seems the patch is not compatible with a number of ROMs, so finding a compatible copy of Pokemon Emrrald will be the tricky part. This is the program necessary to apply the mod to your game. Second, download Tsukuyomi or NUPS (whichever you prefer). Ignore my suggestion for Tsukuyomi and try out NUPS, and see if that alleviates the headache you all are facing! it's only Tsukuyomi being picky, apparently. Hijacking your comment so others can see my solution:ĮDIT: There are claims in the comments that NUPS doesn't require a very specific copy of the ROM.